Sunday, July 6, 2008

Population Control Peep

Peep came to the conclusion that riding the free Ikea water taxi is starting to lose its appeal, especially when she has to waddle through an army of unruly children invading Ikea. Apparently, the "almost" recession has prompted parents in NYC to tighten their belts and take their children to an amusement furniture store instead of Astroland to entertain them on a summer's day.

So, she decided to take the plunge into the world of issue ads like the one above for the People for the Eradication of Stroller Nazis. Maybe the Chinese are onto something with the one-child rule. Maybe there should be a one unruly brat per day per family rule in the United States, where residents have the inalienable right to populate the planet with as many obnoxious offspring as they want. But if you break the rule in the U.S., you have a choice between spending an entire day trapped in one of those inflatable kiddie bouncing things with a bunch of unruly shrieking brats not related to you screeching at the top of their lungs and having a day-long stare-off with a room full of glaring Peeps. 

Needless to say, Peep's day usually goes downhill if she's awoken at 8 a.m. by shrieking unruly brats loitering around her perch. She's all for peephood -- but RESPONSIBLE PEEP-rearing.

High-pitched sounds can drive both sane Peeps and dogs mad.

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